Fictitious Business Name Statement Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San BBernardino, San Diego, Santa Clara, Alameda, VenturaFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - ASSUMED BUSINESS NAME - TRADE NAME REGISTRATION |
Doing business under a fictitious name requires that you do the following: Fictitious Business Name
Fictitious Business Name Publish the filed fictitious name in a legally adjudicated newspaper for four weeks. Fictitious Business Name
Corporations and owners
doing business under their
own name are not required to
file a fictitious business
name statement. On the other
hand, If you plan to use
your own name as part of the
business name, you cannot
use something like “&
associates” – if you do, you
must file a fictitious
business name statement. For
example, "Smith’s Rob ‘em &
Cheat ‘em Service" would not
be required to file a
fictitious business name,
however, "Smith and Company”
would be required to file a
fictitious business name.
Fictitious Business Name If you are filing fictitious business name and the registrant is a corporation, include a copy of the articles of organization or incorporation and have a Corporate Officer sign the fictitious business name statement form. Fe